Photo by Kristin Smith
“Raymond had had plenty of time for thinking after being laid to unrest by Sammy. Resolute, he made his way in and headed downstairs to the embalming room, where he drew his own blood in preparation for what he would do next, and often.”
The Undertaker
Welcome to the Paper Hero Universe that was birthed on the pages of!
Raymond Warburton was a life-long bachelor and third generation owner of Beacon’s oldest and largest mortuary, Warburton’s Funeral Home. Having worked there since he was old enough to stomach the smell of an embalming room, he was roughly ten years from retirement when he met Miranda McCooley, a newcomer to the only city Raymond knew as home.
Thirty years Ray’s junior, Miranda was fresh from a relatively scandalous stint in NY that had resulted in a hasty departure from a sticky situation involving another woman’s husband. Not having learned her lesson, she took up with a local high-level gangster, named Sammy Slayter . . . after being courted by the very wealthy Mr. Warburton.
Unaware of her relationship with Slayter, Raymond proposed to the starry-eyed (and neatly stacked) beauty; but having stolen one too many hearts, the indecisive Miranda set in motion a series of events that gave birth to the death merchant now known in the City of Beacon as “The Undertaker” . . .
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Welcome to the Paper Hero Universe that was birthed on the pages of! Meet more residents of Beacon City, and read/hear their #originstories.